Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

The demographic situation in Azerbaijan as a whole remains positive, said Nizami Eyubov, head of the demography department at the Geography Institute of the country's Academy of Sciences, in an interview with Voice of America. To demonstrate what he said, he cited figures of the country's population growth; but Eyubov did not take into account another demographic indicator, given to them in that interview: over the past 10 years the number of marital divorces, or the collapse of families, has grown 5-fold. The number of children born out of wedlock is also growing. If in 2013 the ratio of children born out of wedlock with respect to the total number of births in the indicated year was 14.5%, in 2016 this figure was 16.5%.

For Azerbaijan it becomes common, when quite morally mature people live in a civil marriage, that is, without official registration. Children from such parents fall into the statistical list of "extramarital" with unavoidable legal consequences: jointly acquired in a civil marriage, the property in the division also becomes the subject of legal disputes.

Executive director of the organization "Reliable future", Kamal Ashumova, says that couples refuse to legalize their relationship because of the need to undergo a medical examination before the wedding. If the result of medical examination is negative, the couple does not dare to sign the registry office, but continue to meet, forming a "civil family". When relatives of young people are hostile to them, refusing to take a guy or a girl into the house, young people can also live together without a stamp in their passports. So they deceive parents, do not fight with elders and do not deny their love.

The requirement to conclude a marriage contract and the refusal of one of the parties is another reason for civil marriage. And the most common reason is early sexual relations, when the age of the young does not allow them to apply to the registry office," K. Ashumova explained.

Last year, every fourth Azerbaijani family disintegrated. Can an alarming trend be prevented? After all, if families disintegrate at the same speed and even faster, the birth rate among Azerbaijanis will fall with the simultaneous increase in the number of illegitimate children.

Azerbaijani psychologists distinguish six main causes of divorce in Azerbaijani families. The first reason is violence in the family: for example, beating a woman by a spouse. In the second place - male alcoholism and drug addiction. Very many cases of drug addiction of a young husband. A drug addict spends the entire family budget on drugs, in such families the wife is almost always divorced, with the full support of her parents. In third place is the unfriendly attitude of the relatives of a husband or wife. It is typical for Azerbaijan when parents of a young husband or wife interfere in their affairs and bring conflicts to divorce. Poverty, unemployment is the fourth reason for divorce. Often woman does not work, and it is a catastrophe husband loses his job, and parents are not able to feed a young family. Depression, scandals and, as a consequence, divorce, inevitably come. Head of the Information and Analytical Research Department of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Issues, Elgun Safarov, adds infertility to the list of causes. Indeed, the absence of children in the Azerbaijani family remains a factor in the disintegration of the community cell. The last place in Azerbaijan is sexual disharmony. Rarely wife gets full pleasure from having sex with her husband. But our women manage to hide the lack of pleasure. Therefore, this reason is the last in our list, and however, contributes to the unpleasant statistics.

Having looked through the causes of divorces, some we shall attribute to objective, that is not dependent on our desire and education. The economy and unemployment, problems in health including sexual dysfunction, people cannot overcome or solve such problems; is not always possible because there is no money for treatment or the education received does not give room for a professional career. But you can remove the psychological causes of divorce - the unwillingness of spouses to listen to a partner and obey his will, the harmful influence of parents and the harmful effects of friends and girlfriends.

This advice may seem frivolous, but Azerbaijanis should listen to the opinion of Europeans: spend more time together in nature, on tourist trips or at least jointly prepare dinner, but do not watch entertainment programs. There are families in Azerbaijan that do not have a TV set, especially since the information need has long been filled with the Internet.

Of all the possible tips, this one is the easiest and does not require monetary investments. Try it, and then tell yourself - do you want to divorce now?

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