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Açıq mənbələrdən foto


-You probably heard the last speech of the president. The president says some people in power oppose reforms, because the reforms affect their personal interests. In your opinion, whom does the president mean in his team? The talks about such people have been lasting for years. Why has the president talked about them just now?

-Today, some processes are going on in the country. There is a certain animation. It is obvious. The existence of such groups in power is not a secret, and the press writes about this. Moreover, if the president"s entourage confirms this, then this is a fact. In any government, there is an internal resistance to the interests of the general line. It is hard to say, based on what principles such a position is formed, in such small countries as Azerbaijan. Although, in fact, it is not at all difficult, because the innovations directly concern the interests of many officials. That is, they feel very comfortable in their places. Their way of life is to do nothing for the country, to collect money and wealth through certain channels, to defraud on the state budget - people who earn money in this way do not want any changes in the country. This is a source of resistance and interference. Today, the president talks about it, why did not he talk about it before? It seems that the development of events in this direction creates the need to indicate the presence of such a tendency, as well as take measures to suppress this resistance. Apparently, the president believes that voicing this now, it is necessary to warn those people that everything is under control. Society does not see this, but certain structures see it. At the same time, the president is aware of the mood and of the line. Scoring this is normal. It is one thing when it is spread in the form of rumors, another thing when the head of state himself warns, sends a message - the situation is as follows. One thing is to talk about it, and another thing is to take action. This is a different topic. In my opinion, decisive measures are needed. For example, you drive a car, and someone blocks your road with stones. In this case, measures are necessary, it is necessary to clear the road. The approach should be like that.

-"The president also says that" they blackmail those who are set up for reforms and have new thinking, even in the press. The press, as it were, turned into a kind of internal struggle. " How correct is the president in his remarks?

- The fact that the press is an instrument in the hands of certain groups, oligarchs, and officials is not a new. This was repeatedly written, said, explained, and even sounded the alarm. However, no one paid attention to it. Of course, the president is right in saying this. There is a clearly visible line, that is, media has formed in the hands of certain owners. They can affect these media organs. They fight against criticism through ill-mannered people; and they try to discredit those people who adhere to reforms. As I already noted, they use these media as a tool against any trend that violates their peace. The president is right and accurate saying this. We are committed to correct this situation. In Azerbaijan, anyone who has critical thinking, who wishes to develop the country, faces the resistance of these media and those who are represented in them, with their disgusting articles. This is a fact and it is undeniable.

- Is not turning the media and the press into an instrument in the hands of officials the policy of the authorities? Is the government responsible for such a situation?

- It is a fact that the press has turned into a tool and an instrument that it is under the influence of individual officials, and is in the hands of certain oligarchs. It has always been so. However, in recent years the trend is that businesspersons, oligarchs are gradually moving away from the media and the center of gravity falls on officials and officials. In Azerbaijan, it is quite clear which site serves whom in power and who directs them. Unfortunately, this comes to the surface in the form of politics, that is, in the form of a policy of power. I believe that this is not true. Definition, implementation of this policy, different approaches in various projects, at different times, of course, this is politics; and it is wrong. Such a policy leads to an abyss. As a result, such policy affects the government itself, does not allow providing the public with accurate information, and it has crashed. Responsibility lies with people who determined this policy, and those who directly implemented this policy, and officials who stimulated it.

- They say that many media will close. However, this may have the opposite effect. After all, those who worked in these media can start to work against the authorities. What should done media that simply performs its function? More precisely, what needs to be done to ensure that the media performs only its function?

- There are suggestions for the closure of many media, and there are reasons for this too. How long will last a media structure that exists on the money of certain circles and specific officials? Are they useful to our press, to this society? Do these media structures really believe that their manipulative articles, laudatory articles addressed to the authorities, these sites that publish materials full of lies, television do any work to develop this society, to provide true information? The closure of such sites will face some protest, because people will lose their jobs, lose their money, only now realizing what they made a moral mistake. Naturally, they will confront those who robbed them of money. However, it will be fleeting and transitory. They will not be able to go forward, expand their actions. If they understand that their previous affairs were erroneous and that this is not the work of journalism, that so far they have served concrete limited interests, this can become very significant for their moral correction. There is no need to discover America in the matter of the media fulfilling its function. The future of the country, the press can only be associated with an independent press, since without it no society can develop. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the free and independent press. Because of the wrong policy, a free and independent press was put out of action: they closed newspapers, sites, and the media. Now people abroad say bad things, someone swear obscenely in social networks. Unfortunately, one has to listen to the speeches of people whose behavior does not fit into any framework.

Why did this happen? Media policy makers led the country to a moral disaster. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions so that an independent press, conscientious journalists could perform their work. Without bias, they could correctly, honestly criticize the authorities, adhering to ethical standards, they would correctly inform society. Indeed, reliable information helps to take the right decision. Incorrect information, as is happening at present, leads to incorrect results. Therefore, the best thing for the press is to create the conditions for a free press. It should have a strong economic base, the advertising market should develop normally, and assistance can be provided to this press within the framework of a certain state program. Naturally, the assistance should not take away its freedom from the media, and dignity from the journalist.

-President in his speech devoted a special place to reforms. However, experts do not consider the work done so far as reforms. They call it an imitation of reform. For example, the latest judicial reform. Experts say the essence remains the same. That is, how much can you believe in government reform? True, the president says that this process is being hindered. However, if the desire were sincere, could it not be realized in any form?

- Frequent use of the word reform in conversations does not mean reform in fact. However, it cannot be denied that there are certain changes. We could not speak such changes five or six years ago. Society was in a state of silence and stagnation. However, new people have been appointed to the posts. Personnel changes have occurred. Among them are those that justified their purpose. In any case, a certain work is going on. The very concept of reform is somewhat broad. I understand these protesting experts. That is, if the essence does not change, then it cannot be called reforms. Changing the color of the walls, bringing a new design to the screens - all this is cosmetics. These are just external changes. Reforms reflect the essence. Official speeches and the president himself repeated more than once that reforms have no alternative. How should it be, where should we start, and where should we go next? There should be a clear program. Do people feel these reforms and changes in their lives? Of course, the allocation of certain amounts to improve the welfare of the population is a good thing. However, this cannot be called reform. Reforms are when people themselves can earn money, open jobs, create a business under convenient and favorable conditions, people earn income and their lives improve.

The word reform implies a change in essence in the broad sense of the word. We can only believe. When you see that the changes are formal, then you lose heart. But if you see the presence of political will, the need for reform, the presence of changes, then the work is underway, concrete decisions are being made and this gives rise to a certain faith in people. Everyone who thinks about the fate of the country believes and hopes that reforms will be implemented, and therefore there will be results. The fate and life of the country is connected with changes. As far as these changes and transitions are comfortable and soft, far from randomness, it will be beneficial for us. The best way for these changes is through reforms that include some substance. Indeed, false, cosmetic changes cannot be called reforms; but some people are against reform. They are those who are in their positions for 15-20 years, take all the advantages of their position, have their own business, have properly arranged the future for their families, children; for such people the word "people" means their limited interests and their relatives. It is very important to support and assist people who are implementing reforms.

-What results can be expected from everything that the president said about reforms and the media? In your opinion, what events can we witness in the near future?

-Azerbaijani society is very sensitive to concepts such as change and reform, because people have expectations. People are sometimes inspired by conversations, hoping that these changes will occur. However, when this does not happen, pessimism appears. To carry out these changes, it is necessary to change the personnel. What changes can be made with people sitting in their posts for years? If specific steps are not taken, if serious measures are not taken, then we will not be able to witness anything. We are the children of our homeland. We are responsible to history, to our descendants, I mean people who have more powers and opportunities. Just these people are able to carry out reform, and we will be able to witness something. If it will be just words, they will make promises from the screens, broadcast speeches, then, of course, we will not see anything. Azerbaijani society has been encouraged by recent processes. Although small, but some steps are being token in the field of the press, and especially in the economy, in improving the welfare of the population. It is impossible not to see this, but that is not enough. To change this society, there is a need for Serious, thorough and fundamental reforms are required to change the society, and only in this case the state will strengthen and be able to move forward.

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